I was in a group with Yaz and Roxy.
Roxy was the camera man, and myself and Yaz were the actors.
What is Match on action?
Match on action is a cut which connects two different shots of the same action.
for example; girl opens door, which we see from behind, and then as she steps through the door we see her entering the room from the front view.
What is shot reverse shot?
Shot reverse shot is where we see, in this context, one person speaking and this cuts to another person who returns the conversation, which then leads back to the first person who replies.
It is a series of alternating shots which show most often conversations
What is the 180 Rule?
The 180 rule is a basic rule of film making. It states that the camera must not cross 180 degrees around the action in any cut of shots to prevent confusing the viewer and to maintain continuety. As long as the camera stays with in the green half of this image the person in orange will always be on the left and the person in blue will always be on the right. If the camera moves over the central line they will switch places. This may confuse the viewer and take away from your production.