Wednesday 3 February 2010

Actual Task Log: Title Ideas

1) Lonely Autopsey - We took the idea of an autopsey and took our setting in to consideration. The idea of the autopsey starting in a lonely place - a field.

2) Seeing With Your Own Eyes - This came from the latin for 'autopsey' which is 'autopsia' meaning to see with your own eyes. We thought this would be a good title as the story begins when our character 'sees with his own eyes'.

3)Dismemberment - The idea of being taken to peices and spread out fits with the body part being in the field. This is a grewsome title but we thought it would fit the storyline.

4) Peaceful Dismemberment - The oxymornon of a 'peaceful' 'dismemberment' we thought would give a weird feeling about the film.

Target Audience Research:
We sent a list of these titles around two media groups at school and asked students our own age to pick their favourite. The title with the highest amount of students was Lonely Autopsey. The second highest was Dismemberment and we found a lot asked what the meaning of it was. We were happy with their choice and stuck with Lonely Autopsey.